其实,如此重大的清关新规,对于马尼拉这个号称东南亚洲第一堵的进口及清关企业而言,同意是个晴天霹雳!让中国出口企业和菲律宾进口企业叫苦连天,但是,就在今天上午, 事情有了重大变化!!
据搜航网独家获悉,由于货主和报关行透过诸多关系去抗议,因此海关又发出公文表示将SUSPEND (暂停)这一新规,不过十天内政令更换频频,致使许多报关行与海运同业都莫衷一是,经与AISL(船东协会)确认后,规定法规仍然是以15天内要备妥清关申报文件:提单、装箱单、产地证等资料或是提供不弃货申报文件,否则列为弃货处理。
Pursuant to Section 1129 of RA 10863 Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), the Manila International Container Port hereby posts this Notice to File Entry for the following consignees whose shipment with Bill of Lading Numbers, and Registry Number Registry Numbers indicated in the file attached has been discharged as of but a corresponding goods declaration has not yet been filed. Failure to file the goods declaration within fifteen (15) days from the date of discharge of the last package from the vessel, pursuant to Section 407 of the CMTA, shall be deemed an implied abandonment of the imported goods.
Notice is also given that, having filed the goods declaration, failure to pay the assessed duties, taxes and other chargeswithin fifteen (15) days from the date of final assessment shall result in implied abandonment.
Finally, notice is given that, having paid the assessed duties, taxes and other charges, failure to claim the goods within thirty (30) days from payment thereof shall also be deemed an implied abandonment of the goods.
Please disregard this Notice if you have already filed the goods declaration within the prescribed period, have paid the duties, taxes and other charges thereon and have claimed the goods within thirty (30) after payment of the duties, taxes and other charges.
The list is hereby attached.
Notice Discharged on May 23, 2019
虽然“七天内必须清关否则做弃货处理”这条令外贸货代企业心惊胆战的新规最终没有实施,只是让大家虚惊一场, 但菲律宾海关这样朝令夕改,不知广大外贸货代和报关企业做何感想?